Week of 01/08/24 to 01/12/24


11th week 11/8/20241/9/20241/10/20241/11/20241/12/2024Co-Teacher Notes
Medieval English LiteratureNew Syllabus

Cardinal and theological virtues quiz

Brief Holt Handbook: Commas - 
Close Reading Rubric: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10kqY3ExHWUtG2BjiBO1uDnuXhEkdXH5ZI9p9QUkHMgc/edit?usp=sharing

Spiritual Friendship, Aelred of Rievaulx, Translated by Lawrence C. Branceland - Intro - Beginning to “Structure”, “The Argument” to “Notes on Translation”
Spiritual FriendshipSpiritual Friendship - Prologue and Book OneSpiritual Friendship

Homework: Spiritual Friendship - Book Two
CompositionFive Writing Components/ Thesis StatementsRead Chs 1 and 2 of EE and take notes in designated space.
Read Ch 1 (p.2-8) of Holt Handbook. Take notes and bring to class tomorrow.

Share notes in class. 
Holt p.22-29/ EE p. 13-14
Thesis Statements- Group work

EE- Complete exercise 2 p.14 (whatever you didn't finish in class). 
Read Holt 2B (p. 22-28)- take notes. Complete Exercise 3, p.30; Bring notes and ex. 3 to class to share.

Bring EE and Holt homework to class, completed, and ready to share in class. 
Go over analogies in Vocab book.
I'm not sure when the student books will arrive. I'll make copies if they aren't in by Monday. Please bring copies/ student books, and Holt to class each day. On Fri, bring your Vocab book.
Pre-CalculusCos Linear Combinations and Composite PropertySection 8.2: 1-5 odd, 10-11, 15, 19-25 oddOdd/Even, Cofunction, and Composite Trig PropertiesSection 8.3: 9, 10, 11-15 oddSection 8.3: 14, 17-33 odd, 36
RhetoricMemoryComplete GCR assignment MemoryComplete GCR assignment Memory
Church History
Medieval HistoryCriteria for a "civilization" discussion (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China)Using the definitions and criteria from class (and your previous knowledge/courses of ancient history!) complete the handout for one of the ancient civilizationsCivilization discussion cont.Civilizations Reading assignment; Note characteristics of civilization for each example (see GCR)
Intro to Physics