Week 8/12/24 to Week 8/16/24


11th Week 18/12/20248/13/20248/14/20248/15/20248/16/2024Co-Teacher Notes
Renaissance/Early Modern LiteratureSyllabus review - Bring a copy

Why read Literature and Write about it

Close Reading Rubric - Bring a copy
Norton: Faith In Conflict
- The English Bible 1 Cor 13
- William Tyndale: Intro and "Scriptural Interpretation"

Four Senses of Scripture
Scriptural Interpretation in Renaissance EnglandNorton: Faith In Conflict
- Thomas More: A Dialog Concerning Heresies
Tyndale vs More

For Monday: 
Norton - The Sixteenth Century 1485-1603; Pages 3-12
Pre-CalculusAlgebra II ReviewCircuit Training I (Algebra 2 Review)Algebra II ReviewCircuit Training Factoring CompletelyCircuit Training Simple Logsarithms
Government / EconomicsIntro - Critical Thinking, Catechism, Homework, Reading, Quzzes and Tests, Occasional Weekend Homework - Respond to Google Classroom Invitation Read Lesson 1 and 2, p. 3-12; Read We Hold These Truths, p. 1-3 Discuss Biblical Basis for GovernmentRead Lesson 3 and 4, p. 13-22; Read We Hold These Truths pp. 4-10 (On GCR create a discussion question for tomorrow'sDiscuss Ch. 3 & 4 Saturday Read Lesson 5, p. 23-30 for Monday.
Software EngineeringIntroduction, Syllabus review, course philosophy, book review and handout, weekly topic introductionN/AKnowledge Checkpoint (test to see what the students know)Code, Chapters 1-3Reading Review / Discussion**Your signed syllabus will be due no later than Monday, 8/19. 
Intro to PhysicsIntro overview of class begin chapter 1Read Chapter 1 pp 2-13Chapter 1 pp 2-13begin study questions for chapter 1 read chapter 1 pp 14-18Chapter 1 pp 14-18finish chapter 1 study questions and study for test on chapter 1 read experiment 1 on page 346
Renaissance/Early Modern HistorySyllabus & Welcome to class! Why does context matter when interpreting scripture? Handout first Bible memory passage (Deut. 6:4-12) due 9/25! Read prologue in DTD, pg. xvii-xxiiFinish Monday's discussion. Discuss prologue reading. Read Western Civ. pg. 366-369, stop @ Martin Luther (see link to the right). Read DTD pg. 3-16, "The Modern Era Begins & Erasmus". *Stop at "Luther" on pg. 16Previous attempts at Reform and the previous reformers. Discuss Erasmus.Link for Western Civ. reading: https://archive.org/details/SpielvogelWesternCivilization9thEd2015/page/n527/mode/2up
RhetoricRhetoric and the Song of the City - Respond to Google Classroom Invitation Complete GCR assignmentReview homework answers - Pp. 3-6Complete GCR assignmentReview homework answers - Pp. 6-8
Christian ThoughtIntroduction/ discussion of the syllabus; What is truth? When you say God, what do you mean? What is reality?Read Geisler, Unshakable Foundations, pp. 13-29 (Ch.1); Prepare for a discussion on first principles, logic, and truthDiscussion on first principles, logic, and truth; What is the nature of a soul? Do faith and reason have any relationship to each other? How do the ideas of Ch. 1 relate to the soul? Hand out Quiz 1.1 (Take home, due 8/19)Complete Quiz 1.1; Read Geisler, Unshakable Foundations, pp. 31-53 (Ch. 2)Continue reading; Prepare for a discussion on how we can know the truth about reality.