Week 4 8/27-8/31

11th8/27/20188/28/20188/29/20188/30/20188/31/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipOpen House, 8/27 6-7:00 p.m.
MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
Speech & Debate
Latin3rd DeclensionFlashcards, p. 36; Complete 1st five sentences of Exercise 27 and self-correct; Study Grammar Rules #45-51, 57; Exercise 31 (11-21); Exercise 32 (1-8)Appositives; Adverbs & ExpletivesVocabulary flashcards, p. 39 & 42; Exercise 36 (odd); Exercise 40 (odd); Exercise 42 (even)Quiz; Review
Language ArtsDaily Writing Entry New Vocab.Terms 1. auto-da-fe' 2. irrevocable

3. transcendentalism

4. skepticism

5. pantheism

6. naturalist

7. precedent

8. impetuous

9. eclectic

10. eccentric
Intro. to Thoreau, if time allows
Thoreau, pp. 45-75, Stop at "...only death will set them free."Address grammar concerns from Daily Writing Entries Lit. Discussion for ThoreauThoreau, pp. 75-108. Please complete discussion questions, Part 2, that were emailed to you. Lit. Discussion on Thoreau using Discussion Question Sheet 
Discuss Literary Genre: Satire Assign Writing Projects
Read Thoreau, pp. 108-143
Comm. LabResponding to LGBT AdvocatesResponding to LGBT AdvocatesContinue to engage people in dicussions on moral relativism, as the Lord leads..
HistoryBarton VideoRead and Answer Q on Chapter 17Chapter 17 the EnlightenmentWork on project, do error analysis on your questionsWesley movie BRING A COLD LUNCH
Rhetoric & TheologyBe prepared to discuss Rhetoric, Chapters 13-15Write first draft of paper and bring to class tomorrow; Read Rhetoric, Book II, Chapters 1-4.Discuss chapter selection and group edit.Write final draft and practice presenting paper from outline.Presentations.Read Rhetoric, Book II, Chapters 5-9.
ScienceLab EquipmentComplete Lab Book, p. 5-12Ch. 1 QuestionsCh. 1 Section Review; Review Lab EquipmentEquipment Test; Ch. 1 Section Review

Week 3 8/20-8/24

11th8/20/20188/21/20188/22/20188/23/20188/24/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipOpen House, 8/27 6-7:00 p.m.
MathLesson 10 (pg. 74-80)Problem Set 10: 1-30 (odd except #17 and #29); Finish Completing the square PracticeLesson 11 (pg. 83-88)Problem Set 11: 1-30 (odd- except #21 and #25); Finish quadratic equation practiceCompleting the Square or quadratic formula activity
Speech & Debate
LatinObj. of the PrepositionVoc. flashcards, p. 25; Exercise 19 (odd); Exercise 22 (11-40)Predicate NounsVoc. flashcards, p. 28 & 31; Exercise 24 (even)Quiz: Review differences between main clause & subordinate clause
Language ArtsDaily Writing New SAT Vocab List Final discussion on Tocqueville Read aloud, ch 16-17, p. 635-639 Essay basics: Hook, Thesis, Body, ConclusionThink through key points you will highlight in your essay and locate textual support from DIA. Print out SAT Vocab list (link in Co-Teacher Section) mark words you do not know. Bring list to class. Address grammar concerns from Daily Writing on Monday Review for Tocqueville Exam, Create Outline for Essay on NotecardsComplete preparation for essay exam. Make sure you have a clear thesis prepared and textual support for each of your key points.Tocqueville Essay Exam This is your first formal writing assignment and will be graded according to the rubric. Write well!SAT vocab list
Comm. LabMoral Relativism Reports Moral Relativism Reports (if we didn't finish on Mon.) Discuss questions/concerns
HistoryVictory 3 & 4work on projectLecture on The Great Awakening, and Natural Lawwork on project; think of questions to discuss founding of USADebate on foundations of foundations of USA
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Rhetoric; Introduce outline for persuasive essayRead Rhetoric, Ch. 10-12; Draft outline.Discuss RhetoricComprehension Questions; Draft final outline.Review effective speech making techniquesRead Rhetoric, Book II, Ch. 1-4
ScienceLab-"Letter e": Lab #1Study for "Lab Safety" Test (Major Test)Test: Lab Safety; Microscope Review; Vocabulary Finish Definitions: Lab 1Study Microscope PartsLab-Wet Mound; Check Cell; Microscope Quiz; Finish Lab

Week 2

11th8/13/20188/14/20188/15/20188/16/20188/17/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipWhole school scripture memory work on
MathLesson 5 (pg. 43-47;) Lesson 6 (pg. 49-52)Problem Set 5: 1-30 (odd); Problem Set 6: 1-30 (odd); Correct Problem Set. Lesson 8 (pg. 61-64)Problem Set 7: 7-30 (odd); Problem Set 8: 1-30 (odd- except 5 and 7); Correct Problem Set. Test 1
Speech & Debate
LatinIntroduce 2nd Declension: NeuterExercise 6 and self-correct in different color; Study grammar rules #34, 35, 40; Vocabulary flashcards, p. 17; Google classroomReview Flashcards p. 21 & 23; Exercise 15; Exercise 16; Exercise 17 (even)Quiz ; Introduce Indirect ObjectFor Tuesday, students who excel in Latin should complete Exercise 7 and self-correct.
Language ArtsDaily Writing Tyranny of the Majority, Group Projects on Restraints (Create a fictional situation in which a tyranny of the majority threatens the rights of a minority view. Implementing Tocqueville's ideas, come up with a strategy to hold the majority in check. Share in class on Friday.) Review Vocab., Democracy in America, pp. 323-334, pp. 336-top 352Daily Writing Entry Vocab Quiz Tocqueville Discussion Voting Video (if time allows);Democracy in America, pp. 493-507 and pp. 510-523Highlights from readings and Group Presentations on RestraintsDemocracy in America, pp.613-635 As you read, consider the following statement by Eric Metaxas,'"Once religious liberty is compromised, all liberties are compromised."
HistoryDebate on GalileoRead the Preface and Chap. 1 in VictoryDiscuss Chapter 1, and briefly Chap 2 of VictoryRead pp. in Victory, Begin thinking about projectDiscussion of how to research and write research papers
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Chapter 1 & 2 of RhetoricRead Chapters 3-6 of Rhetoric; ANI ChartDiscuss Chapters 3-6Finish ANI Chart w/ 20 entriesRhetoric GameRead Ch. 7-9 of Rhetoric; Bring completed ANI Charts to class on Monday
ScienceConversionsRead Ch. 1Scientific MethodFinish Reading Ch. 1 and begin defining vocabularyQuiz: Lab Safety and Symbols

11th Grade 8-6/8-10

MathLesson 1 (pg. 1-11); Lesson 2 (pg. 14-24)Problem Set 1: 1-30 (odd); Problem Set 2: 1-30 (odd); Correct Problem Set. Lesson 3 (pg. 26- 33); Lesson 4 (pg. 36-40)Problem Set 3: 1-30 (odd); Problem Set 4: 1-30 (odd); Correct Problem Set. Starburst Pythagorean Theorem Activity; Pythagorean Stacks Puzzle

LatinLatin Introduction/1st DeclensionStudy Grammar Rules #14-19, 31-33; Memorize 1st Declension Endings; Generate Flashcards for Voc. List, p. 7Review 1st Declension Nouns; Introduce VerbsRead p. 9-10 of Exercise Book; Compose Voc. Flashcards, p. 11; Google ClassroomQuiz 1; Introduce Accusative Case/DO
Language ArtsShare summer reading impressions Daily Writing Notebook Set-up and Expectations Intro. to Tocqueville Democracy in America , Author's Introduction pp. 11-26, pp. 68-71 , pp.74-82, pp.102-115Daily Writing Begin Vocab. List (insouciance, inter alia, deism, detractor, ochlocracy) Literature Discussion- Basis for Equality, Townships, Decentralization Democracy in America pp. 157-167, pp. 175-185, pp. 209-227Daily Writing Literature Discussion- Election Crisis, Associations, and Freedom of the Press
HistorySyllabus DiscussionDo pre-test before looking at book; review syllabus and compete survey if not already completed, then preview bookReview and PreviewRead and answer qs, in writing, for Chapt 16Students will answer and discuss text questions -- NOT have a lecture
Rhetoric & TheologyIntroductionDeep Dive; Read The Office of Assertion, p. 1-14DiscussionRead Office of Assertion, Section 2.2 (p. 16-17); Sec. 2.10-2.11 (p. 28-30); Sec. 2.12-2.14 (p. 30-35); Research 3-4 interesting facts re: Aristotle & Ancient Greece (each)Introduce ANI Chart
Scienceclass rules & expectations,notebook needslook over notebook needsLab safety &Safety Symbolsreview Lab SafetySI measurements & Tech Lab