Week of 01/15/24 to 01/19/24


11th week 21/15/20241/16/20241/17/20241/18/20241/19/2024Co-Teacher Notes
Medieval English LiteratureHW: Spiritual Friendship - Book Three: 1 - 60HW: Spiritual Friendship - Book Three: 61 - 134Spiritual Friendship - Be prepaired to discuss key ideas from Books 1, 2, and 3.Study for quizSpiritual Friendship Quiz

HW - READ: Norton "Preface to the Tenth Edition", pages xiii - xvii (through "The Middle Ages"); Anglo-Norman Literature, pages 11 - 18 (to "Fifteenth Century")
CompositionChoose one of the thesis statements you wrote last week, make it into an academic thesis (with 3 prongs) and write (in your comp. book) a body paragraph following the SEE sequence. Bring to class Wednesday. Write (in your composition book) a second and third body paragraph (from the thesis you chose yesterday) following the SEE sequence. Bring all 3 paragraphs to class on Wed.Discuss "telling vs. showing". Group work on p. 24Read Holt p.81 (4e) and p. 84 (3). Take notes in Comp. Book. Using the paragraph you wrote on Monday, develop your body paragraph (in your Comp book) using the "showing" techniques discussed in Ch. 3 (EE). Bring to class tomorrowShare Body paragraph. Analogy CircleFor Monday, Read EE ch. 4 and Holt 4g (p.91). Take notes in your comp book and be prepared to discuss in class.
Pre-CalculusHarmonic Analysis Watch the following videos: Composition of Ordinates Part Iand Compositionof Ordinates Part IISection 8.4: 3-9Sum and Product Trig PropertiesSection 8.5: 1-29 oddMath and Music Part I
RhetoricRead Tacitus (see email) and answer questions. Continue work on Memory Palace Poem Memory Palace Poem GCR Tacitus continued. Open-book Test 3Memory Presentation
Church HistoryNo Schoolread pages 279-288 in the book for class on WednesdayChristianity in Early America Class DiscussionRead pages 288-290 in the book for class on Monday
Medieval HistoryAT HOME: See GCR for your assignment on Charlemagne and the Carolingians Read HMV Ch. 49 p.371-379 & 51 p.387-395 and ID Key terms: Charlemagne, Constantine IV, Irene, Byzantine VeniceDUE:Ancient Civ assignment; cont. Charlemagne and the Carolingians; the Vikings/NorsemenRead HMV Ch. 53 p.405-412 and complete "Lords and Vassals in Europe and Japan" comparison Qs
Intro to Physicsno schoolread bouyancy experiment in slides for chapter 8Archimedes Principle of Bouyancy Experimentcomplete all study questions and finish lab write upReview of Chapte 8study for chapter 8 test