Week of 4/15-4/19

11th4/15/20194/16/20194/17/20194/18/20194/19/2019Co-Teacher Notes
MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
Good Friday - Holiday
Speech & DebateDiscuss 'flowing' and rebuttals. Watch vid. for discussionComplete first constructives, Practice your negative rebuttals with hypothetical counterarguments. Add evidence as needed. Both team members should be adding evidence each week.First constructives due, share in class and give feedback. Continue to organize and collect evidence. Practice giving your arguments out loud using evidence cards. Each team member should have access to cards for practice. Split them in half or work out your own arrangement for this.Read 2 more articles on the age of the earth, one from each side of the debate. Watch a video on an argument that you need help with for better understanding, e.g. watch a video on whether or not there was death before sin, to better understand the issues if you are not familiar with them. Make sure you have good evidence for/against.
LatinIntroduce Subordinate Adjective ClauseVocabulary, p. 248; Exercise 264Review Subordinate Adjective ClauseFinish Exercise 265
Literature & CompositionDiscussion, AK ch, ch 17-23, Part 5, ch 1-2Part 5, Ch 3-14Comparison between L/K and A/V, Lit DiscussionWrite one open-ended question from the reading to ask the class, Ch, 15-25Ch, 26-33, Part 6, Ch. 1-2
HistoryDiscuss Ch. 24, p. 535-542Read & Outline Ch. 24, p. 542-548DiscussionRead & Outline, Ch. 24, p. 548 - end of chapter
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Letters 11 & 12 of The Screwtape LettersRead Letters 13 & 14Discuss Letters 13 & 14Read Letters 15 & 16
SciencePlant ID; Insect & Leaf Collections; Study & Review for Test on WednsedayStudy for Test on Ch. 13 & 14; Leaf & Insect CollectionTestInsecta Vocab & Leaf & Insect Collection