Week of 4/8-4/12

11th4/8/20194/9/20194/10/20194/11/20194/12/2019Co-Teacher NotesNotes/Comments to Teachers:
DiscipleshipCTP Testing 4/8 & 4/10
CTP Testing Monday and Wednesday. Plan for testing most of the day. There will only be about 1-2 hours of academic instructional time on these days. ASSIGN A REGULAR WORK LOAD ON HOME DAYS
MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
See Google Classroom
Speech & Debate*EVERY DAY- You should read an article or listen to a video/podcast on the age of the earth. Continue to familiarize yourself with the current debate. If needed, find additional evidence to support main contentions in your first constructive speeches. Include the best evidence you can find in your case!Complete first constructive speeches.1st speakers read through and time your first constructive speeches. Please read more about Cross-Examination in your Debate packet, pg. 14Finalize your first constructive speeches. First speakers, read through the case until your are extremely comfortable with it.Please read Chapter 3 in your Debate Packet. You will need to know how to "flow" during your round in order to organize your responses. If there is a particular line of argumentation that you do not fully understand, spend some time learning more about it.Email Mrs. Clay if you have any questions about the upcoming debates! Practice responding to counterarguments from the opposing side OUT LOUD. Make sure your evidence is organized in such a way that you will be able to find what you need quickly during the debate round.Watch a debate on the age of the earth! Also, listen to Greg Koukl expound upon the old earth view of a non-global flood. Affirmative teams, you may source from this vid. for evidence, Neg. teams, you need to be able to respond to the old-earth view of Noah's flood.
LatinCTP Testing/Study HallExercise 262 & Review Vocabulary: Translate Reading No. 13CTP Testing/Sudy HallComplete Review Worksheets
Literature & CompositionAK, ch. 28-32, Part 4, Ch. 1-6AK, ch. 7-16Vocab quizAK, ch. 17-23, Part 5, ch. 1-2
HistoryThe Doll HouseStudy for TestThe Doll HouseStudy for TestTest
Rhetoric & TheologyCTP Testing/Study HallBrainstorm / Outline / Draft EssayCTP Testing/Study HallRead Letter 9 & 10 of The Screwtape LettersDiscussion
ScienceVocabulary: Ch. 15 Invertebrates & Ch. 16. AnthropodsVocabulary & Handout, p. 500 Skeletal System Handout & p. 507 Muscular System HandoutSkeleton & Muscles Coloring BookCh. 20: Read & Take Notes; VocabularyQuiz