Week of 9/26/22 to 9/30/22


11th week 89/26/20229/27/20229/28/20229/29/20229/30/2022Co-Teacher Notes
Classical LiteratureRead/discuss the story of Daedalus and Perdix in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Take commonplacing notes.Read the story of Daedalus and Icarus, - take notes/commonplace on the tragic events that occur and what this myth might have been used to teach ancient people, especially adolescents. Be prepared to share your thoughts in class on Wed.Recap and Discuss the moral of the Daedalus/Icarus myth. https://www.slideshare.net/moherring/daedalus-and-icarus-in-artWrite three paragraphs sharing a modern (at least, more modern than ancient Greece) example reflecting or reimagining the moral of the stories of Phaethon, Icarus or Telos. Maintain quality in your writing and be prepared to turn in for a grade on Friday.Characterization of Daedalus, RR Read Aloud if time
Pre-CalculusConcavity and Points of InflectionSection 4.4: 1-13 oddRational Functions: Asymptotes and Discontinuities Part ISection 4.5: 1-21 oddRational Functions: Asymptotes and Discontinuities Part II Section 4.5: 21-33 odd
RhetoricLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsRe-write summary paragraph of Declaration of Ind.Lecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsRe-write summary paragraph of Declaration of Ind. Due Thursday at 12pmWorkshop summary articles
Church HistoryLecture: The Subapostolic AgeStudy for test.First TestRead: Foxe's Book of Martyrs Capter 2No class
Classical Latin IIReview for TestStudy for TestTest - Ch.10-12No HWExploring the Myth of the Trojan Horse p. 219-222
Classical Latin IVLanguage Fact - Subj. Purpose Clauses & Indirect Commands, p.47-48, Ex. 3 p. 49Essay Outline p.49 - Answer all Qs and include support, Latin must be cited by line numberDiscuss essays & thesis sentences; Begin Reading #4 - De Bello Gallico 1.4-5, p.50-53Complete Reading #4 - De Bello Gallico 1.4-5, p.50-53Translate De Bello Gallico 1.4-5, p. 54ff
Ancient HistoryIn class: discuss chapter 18, The First Environmental Disaster.Read ch. 19-21. Come to class on Wednesday prepared to discuss chapter 19.In class: discuss chapter 19, The Battle for Reunification in Egypt. Take time (30 minutes) to review your notes from the quarter and previous quizzes/scavenger hunt. This will be good preparation as we look toward the 1st quarter exam next week. In class: Discuss chapter 20 and 21, The Mesopotamian Mixing Bowl and the Overthrow of the Xia.**Students, please bring your books to class on Monday. 
Intro to PhysicsChapter 3 section 3.2.5-3.2.6 review of Chapter 3finish Chapter 3 exercises Review for Chapter 3 test. finish Chapter 3 exercises and complete Lab 2 to turn in on Friday. Study for Chapter 3 test on FridayChapter 3 exam Begin readying Chapter 4 Energy