Week 13 10/29-11/2

MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
LatinPersonal Pronouns/Pro nouns of the 1st PersonVocabulary, p. 125; Grammar Rule 123; Exercise 144 (last paragraph)Pronouns of the 2nd PersonVocabulary, p. 128, 133; Grammar Rules 124, 128-129, 148; Exercise 148Pronouns of the 3rd Person
Comm. LabChicago Style Documentation (See LSH, P. 208) Work on Final Drafts, Bring Laptops and/or materials to work on your speech. Final Draft Due 11/5 Formatting: Name and Date in ULC, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced, pages numbered. Chicago Style documentation. An average 10 minute speech will be approx. 5-7 pages in length. Work on Final DraftFinal Draft Due Monday, Nov. 5  Begin memorizing your speech, one section at a time. Practice your intro, in front of a mirror and work on eliminating filler wordsContinue to work on memorizing speech, one section at a time
Language ArtsVocab Work, Ch. I-5 Lit. Discussion, Ch. I-VI , Dig Deeper Group Activity Read the entire book this week. Here is a suggested schedule: Mon (Ch. 7-16) Tues (Ch. 17-25) Wed (Ch. 26-35) Thurs (Ch. 36-44) Fri (45-52) Sat (Ch. 53-61)Read P&PParallelism (LSH, pp. 345-346) Lit. Discussion/ Pre-reading Group ResearchRead P&PParallelism/Vocab practice P&P Regional Dialect Activity/
Lit. Discussion

Finish P&P
HistoryMatusek, Birkman, JohnsonRead AnswerQ22 The Age of Nationalism and Realismwork on project, prepare for debateRealpolitik p. 489;Emancipation c&c;
Dickens v. Horatio Algers
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Book IV 1-273Paradise Lost Book IV 274-585DiscussionWork on Final DraftPersuasive Essay PresentationNo reading assignment
ScienceFinish Osmosis LabCytology/Chapter 3 RevewCh. 3 Test