11th grade 9-4/9-8

11th9/4/20179/5/20179/6/20179/7/20179/8/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFaith + Matthew 5: 1-4Picture Day - 9/13
Labor Day - School Holiday
Work on Extra Credit PacketLesson 16,17Read Lesson 16, Complete Problem Set 16: 1-4, 5-30 (odd only), Read Lesson 17, Complete Problem Set 17: 1-3, 4-30 (even only)Lesson 18, Problem Set 18: 1-30 (even only)
Speech & DebateRead Section B.2 Clear Communication pgs. 105-106 - Create Thesis Statement - fill in pg. 114 - Correct Brain Dump and Mind Map if not done correctly Review Thesis Statements - Platform 127-137Create Rough Draft - Include an Introduction Hook (pg. 107) and other categories. Fill out Worksheets on pgs. 116 & 117Review Rough Drafts
LatinMemorize Ch. 34 VocabularyCh. 34: Deponent Verbs
Omnibus AIliad - Session XI - Read the similes shown and look up the other ones in your Iliad text. Answer all questions. These include writing your own Homeric simile and your own modern simile - Create questions as indicated and read Book 14 summary Session XIISession XIII - Write a paragraph (minimum 7 sentences) presenting your reasons for the debate question listed. Read Book 17 Summary - Also bring in two Bible verses - one on laziness and the other on diligenceSession XIV & XV
Omnibus BLook at Session XX (next Friday's test 9/15)Books 15 & 16 Summary Look at Session XX (next Friday's test 9/15)Books 18-20 Summary
GeographyMiddle East - Due 9/22
ScienceStudy Ch. 2QuizRead Newton's Laws of Motion Ch 3Computations with Newton's second law
11th9/11/20179/12/20179/13/20179/14/20179/15/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFaith + Matthew 5: 1-4Picture Day - 9/13
Speech & DebatePlatform 145-152Revise Speech - Fill out Worksheets pgs. 127-128 - Begin memorizing speechReview Homework - Platform 159-166Time your speech. Record at home. Check for Vocal Delivery points. Continue memorizing speechPlatform 167-169 - View Video Clips of Speeches and check for all module points- Bring typewritten speech on Monday
Omnibus AIliad
Omnibus B
GeographyMiddle East - Due 9/22
ScienceQuizNewton's Second Law Practice Problems. Newton's Second Law Practice ProblemsRead How a Rocket Works.Complete Newton's Law of Motion Study QuestionsReview