Week of 8/15/2022 - 8/19/2022


11th wk 28/15/20228/16/20228/17/20228/18/20228/19/2022Co-Teacher Notes
Pre-CalculusPower vs Exponential Functions *Example 3Section 2.2 11-26 d, e* *use Desmos to confirm your solutionIdentifying Functions from Numerical PatternsSection 2.3 1-12 allReview Properties of Logarithms Section 2.4 27-43 odd
RhetoricLecture: Rhetoric as the Liberal Art of Soul-Leading (Part 3)Rewrite Summary Paragraph of Gettysburg Address Due Thursday at 12pmLecture: Rhetoric as the Liberal Art of Soul-Leading (Part 4)Rewrite Summary Paragraph of Gettysburg Address Due Thursday at 12pmWorkshop Summary Paragraphs
Classical Literature(Sub) Students Share Research - 5 min each. Informal verbal presentation/sharing of what they learned. -no rules. Students are to take commonplacing notes during shared presentations. Substitute, please show example of Mrs. Potts timeline just as an idea...Create a written timeline (due Fri 8/19) and include
1, birth dates of Authors of major works studied
2, writing dates for all major works studies
3, dates on which events took place for all major works studied (i.e. the Trojan War and the reign of Alexander)
This is due Friday 8/19.
(Sub) Students Share Research - 5 min each. Informal verbal presentation/sharing of what they learned. -no rules. Students are to take commonplacing notes during shared presentations.Create a written timeline (due Fri 8/19) and include
1, birth dates of Authors of major works studied
2, writing dates for all major works studies
3, dates on which events took place for all major works studied (i.e. the Trojan War and the reign of Alexander)
This is due Friday 8/19.
Timelines due. Discussion/overview and sharing in class.Students will need only loose leaf paper, a folder or binder to hold handouts and notes, and writing instrument for the first two weeks.
Church HistoryLecture: Rome and Jerusalem: The Historical Context of the ChurchRead: Acts 1-12Lecture: Rome and Jerusalem: The Historical Context of the ChurchRead: Acts 1-12No Class
Classical Latin IIReading 3, p. 30-31 & Vocab to Learn p.33; Reading 4 p.58-59 & Vocab to Learn p.61Wkbk p.12-13 Ex. 3 & 4; Wkbk p.20 Ex. 5 & 6; Create Vocab cards/quizlet for Vocab to Learn Ch. 3 & 4 (Some students may have this completed from last year, if that is the case, please have them work on Wkbk p.60 Ex.6)Lang Fact II - Substantive Adj; Textbook Ex. 7Wkbk Ex. 4 & 5 & 6 (complete from Tuesday)Transate p. 181 "The Morning Before a Test" together
Classical Latin IVGaul Map exercise; cont. translating De Bello Gallico 1.1 p.20Complete translation De Bello Gallico 1.1 p.20Discuss map exercise; Go over translationEx. 1 #1-15 p.23-24 to turn incont. translating De Bello Gallico 1.1 p.20
Ancient HistoryDiscuss Ch. 3: The Rise of Aristocracy. Discuss the shift from an egalitarian society to an aristocracy.Read chapter 4-6 of textbook. Find two instances of "doubleness" in chapter 4. Come to class prepared to discuss the concept of doubleness in Egyptian society, as well similar examples you can think of from the Bible.Discuss ch. 4. Concept of "doubleness", Narmer's unification of Egypt, and Egyptian climate and topography.Complete Map exercises 5.1 and 6.1. Follow map instructions with care and do your best work. **You may hand in your map on Friday if you would like, but it isn't due until Monday, 8/22.Chapter 5: early Indian empire. Discuss the many connections between early Mesopotamia and early India, difficulty in accurately dating early Indian history, and the relationship between wealth and power in early civilizations.*Co-teachers: for the map work, students may trace the map from their textbook onto a clean piece of paper. They will then close their book and attempt to label it according to the instructions handed out in class. If they get stuck or can't recall certain details, they may look in their book for help. As much as possible, they should study the map carefully and try to recreate it from memory. They should use colored pencils, but they can trace the outline of the map in either pen or pencil.
Intro to Physicscontinue with 1.2 the cycle of scientific enterprise. slides will cover 1.2.3-1.2.4study questions for 1.1.5 and 1.1.6. Study for section test over 1.1. read Chapter 1 sections 1.2.4 and 1.2.5section test 1.1 continue with 1.2, sections 1.2.5study questions for Chapter 2 pertinent to sections covered. read sections 1.2.6Go over section 1.1 test. Correct for extra credit. slides for chapter 1 sections 1.2.6read section 1.3 in chapter 1. study of section 1.2 test on Monday. Begin working on study questions for 1.3