Week of 8/7/23 - 8/11/23


11th week 18/7/20238/8/20238/9/20238/10/20238/11/2023Co-Teacher Notes
Medieval English LiteratureDisruptive medieval Christains and events - 5th to 15th centuriesREAD: Disruptive medieval Christains and events - 5th to 15th centuries; Assorted Medieval Texts: Medieval PreoccupationsDisruptive medieval Christains and events - 5th to 15th centuries; Assorted Medieval Texts: Medieval PreoccupationsREAD: St. Patrick's Breastplate - Find breaks in Latin textSt. Patrick's Breastplate; HW - READ: Assorted Medieval Texts: Virtues, Gifts of Paraclete, Early Medieval Philosopical World View, Early Engish and Middle English
Pre-CalculusAlgebra II ReviewCircuit Training I (Algebra 2 Review)Algebra II ReviewCircuit Training Factoring CompletelyCircuit Training Simple Logsarithms
RhetoricIntro to Course, Catechism etc. Complete assignment on Google Classroom (GCR)Brief Intro to RhetoricComplete assignment on GCRDiscuss Homework, Review Logic 
Composition VReview syllabus. Literature as Conversation:The Active Reader. Literature and Composition (L & C): Chapter 1. Grapes of Wrath discussion.Read handout pages from Craft and Voice. Choose an essay prompt from the handout on theGrapes of Wrath. Write 1-2 pages about an event that changed you. May be handwritten or typed. Write your name, class, and date in top right hand corner. Give your piece a centered title below the heading. Indent each paragraph and pleave a 1 inch margin on each side. Skip a space between each line. Due Friday. Discussion of essay choices on The Grapes of Wrath. MLA formatting introduction. L & C Annotations.Write a 1-2 page essay on the Grapes of Wrath topic of choice. Type and follow MLA guidelines. Due Friday.Two writing assignments due. MLA guidelines review. Intro classical essay. L & C Thesis intro; Reading Journal.Regular weekend Vocabulary HW. Chapter 3 (Anglo-Saxon roots) 1-4. Complete pages 128 through the top of 133. (Vocabulary book check every 3 weeks.)
Church History
Medieval HistorySyllabus & Expectations; Map of Roman Empire (East & West); Begin HMV Ch. 1 One Empire, Under GodRead Syllabus; Read HMV Ch. 1 p.3-12 (keep map nearby) and ID terms: Byzantium, Constantine, Diocletian, Edict of Milan, Incarnation, Nicene CreedContinue HMV Ch. 1 One Empire, Under GodRead HMV Ch. 4 p.28-35 and ID terms: Constantius, Julian, Zoroastrianism; Short Answer: How did Julian become co-emperor of the Roman empire?
Ancient History
Intro to PhysicsIntro to class, begin chapter 1 modeling knowledge pp 2-8read chapter 1 pp 2-8 work on study questions for chapter 1continue with chaper 1 pp2-8read chapter 1 pp 9-13 work on study questionscontinue with chapter 1 pp 9-13read chater 1 pp 14-17 work on study questions