Week of 5/4 - 5/8

Comm. Lab.See Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
Latin IIILesson 39 Accusative + Infinitives, Grammar nos. 210,222-224,215,237-239,211,225-227Grammar nos. 210,222-224,215,237-239,211,225-227 and Ex. 412 #20-23Accusative + Inf. in Indirect Statement, Vocab p. 415, Grammar nos. 897-898 and 804Vocab p. 415, Grammar nos. 897-898 and 804, and Ex. 413 B, C, EVocab p. 421, Review Vocab p. 422 and Ex. 415
Literature & Composition
HistoryDiscussionLesson 139 (Unit 28 Test)DiscussionLessons 141-142 (GCR)Discussion
WorldviewChapter 18 Sec 4-6Chapter 18 Sec 7-9 GCRChapter 18 Sec, 10-12Chapter 18 Sec 13-15 GCRChapter 18 Sec 16-18
ScienceSubmit Ch. 13 essay if needed, discuss groups projects for Ch. 14, 15, 16work on Ch. 14, 15, 16 group presentation virtuallywork on group presentations virtuallywork on group presentations virtuallywork on group presentations virtually