Week of 4/27 - 5/1

11th4/27/20204/28/20204/29/20204/30/20205/1/2020Co-Teacher Notes
Comm. Lab.See Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
Speech & Debate
Latin IIIVocab p. 393, Grammar #761, 117 (Accusative of Extent of Space and Time, mille/milia) and Vocab p. 399, Grammar #312-314 (3rd -io Conjucation charts - Indicative Passive)Vocab p. 393, Grammar #761, 117 (Accusative of Extent of Space and Time, mille/milia) and Vocab p. 399, Grammar #312-314 (3rd -io Conjucation charts - Indicative Passive) and Ex. 400 #1-10Vocab p. 401, Grammar #922 (Ablative of Time Within Which) and Vocab p. 403, Grammar #325-326 (3rd -io Conjugation charts - Subjunctive Passive)Study for QuizQuiz Lesson 35 and 37Read thru and note Vocab from Lesson 38
Literature & CompositionSee Google Classroom--Class Discussion "Night"Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom--Class Discussion "Night"Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom--Class Discussion "Night"
HistoryDiscussionLessons 134 and 136 - Unit 27 Test (GCR) due 4/30DiscussionLessons 137 and 138- Unit 27 Test dueDiscussion
WorldviewChapter 17 - sections 8-10Read "Isn't Religion Based on Faith?" pages 346-352 in SM- Complete GCR assignmentDiscussionUnit 17 TestChapter 18 Sec. 1-3
Scienceturn in lab 13.2 handout, Discuss Ch. 13, lab 13.3make sure all labs complete, Work on Ch. 13 review, work on essayturn in lab 13.3 handout, Finish discussing Ch. 13, lab 13.4, work on Ch. 13 reviewcomplete Ch. 13 review questions, lab 13.4, finish essaydiscuss Ch. 13 review, turn in Ch. 13 essay