Final Week of Fall 12/3-12/7

11th12/3/201812/4/201812/5/201812/6/201812/7/2018Co-Teacher Notes
MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomEnd of 2nd Quarter
Comm. Lab.Speech PresentationsSpeech Presentations
LatinReviewMid-TermReview Game
Literature & CompositionVocab. ExamResearch 19th c. Regency Recipes/ Table Fare and bring an item to share Friday for our Austen party!FIlm :Pride and PrejudiceHappy Early Birthday, Jane Austen! (Dec. 16, 1775) Finish FilmOver the Break: Read a book of your choice and be prepared to tell us about it in January!
HistoryReview and Re-writesSTUDY FOR EXAM
5:00p is drop dead deadline
Party & discussion about course Barton?
Rhetoric & TheologyMid-Term Part 1Mid-Term Part 2Review Game