Week 12 10/22-10/26

11th10/22/201810/23/201810/24/201810/25/201810/26/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipSelf Control: Doing what you know is right even if you don't want to. Titus 2:11-12
Speech & Debate
LatinQuestions in LatinVocabulary, p. 103, 109, 114; Exercise 131 (translate only)Interrogative Particle -NEVocabulary, p. 112, 117; Finsih Exercise 132.Review
Comm. LabHow To Avoid Verbal "Fillers" Bring laptops! Work on Speeches in ClassContinue work on rough draftRough Draft Due Apologetics Vid. and DiscussionBegin work on final draftBegin praciticing your speech aloud, in front of a mirror, or video yourself to watch and review Edit speech as needed for clarity and time
Literature & CompositionDashes, Parentheses, Brackets, Ellipses and Slashes (LSH, pp. 404-406 Creative Writing Exercise

Read "The Bit of String" by Maupassant

Read "The Necklace" by Maupassant
Creative Writing Exercise:Re-tell one of the stories in a different place/time Share in class!

Read "A Work of Art" by Chekov

"The Black Cat" by Poe
Discuss Stories  New Vocab. Intro to Pride and Prejudice Weekend reading: CH. I-VI
Historyemergent debatestudyreviewStudyExam 2
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Paradise LostBook III 468 -742; Sort ANI Chart & Begin Working on Outline.Vocabulary QuizBook IV 1-273; Comprehension QuestionsOutline DueParadise Lost Book IV 274-585
ScienceHandouts-Cell Environment/Review for Vocab Quiz on WednesdayDiscuss Cell EnvironmnetMiniLabs-Cell Environment