Week 13 10/29-11/2

MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
LatinPersonal Pronouns/Pro nouns of the 1st PersonVocabulary, p. 125; Grammar Rule 123; Exercise 144 (last paragraph)Pronouns of the 2nd PersonVocabulary, p. 128, 133; Grammar Rules 124, 128-129, 148; Exercise 148Pronouns of the 3rd Person
Comm. LabChicago Style Documentation (See LSH, P. 208) Work on Final Drafts, Bring Laptops and/or materials to work on your speech. Final Draft Due 11/5 Formatting: Name and Date in ULC, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced, pages numbered. Chicago Style documentation. An average 10 minute speech will be approx. 5-7 pages in length. Work on Final DraftFinal Draft Due Monday, Nov. 5  Begin memorizing your speech, one section at a time. Practice your intro, in front of a mirror and work on eliminating filler wordsContinue to work on memorizing speech, one section at a time
Language ArtsVocab Work, Ch. I-5 Lit. Discussion, Ch. I-VI , Dig Deeper Group Activity Read the entire book this week. Here is a suggested schedule: Mon (Ch. 7-16) Tues (Ch. 17-25) Wed (Ch. 26-35) Thurs (Ch. 36-44) Fri (45-52) Sat (Ch. 53-61)Read P&PParallelism (LSH, pp. 345-346) Lit. Discussion/ Pre-reading Group ResearchRead P&PParallelism/Vocab practice P&P Regional Dialect Activity/
Lit. Discussion

Finish P&P
HistoryMatusek, Birkman, JohnsonRead AnswerQ22 The Age of Nationalism and Realismwork on project, prepare for debateRealpolitik p. 489;Emancipation c&c;
Dickens v. Horatio Algers
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Book IV 1-273Paradise Lost Book IV 274-585DiscussionWork on Final DraftPersuasive Essay PresentationNo reading assignment
ScienceFinish Osmosis LabCytology/Chapter 3 RevewCh. 3 Test

Week 12 10/22-10/26

11th10/22/201810/23/201810/24/201810/25/201810/26/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipSelf Control: Doing what you know is right even if you don't want to. Titus 2:11-12
Speech & Debate
LatinQuestions in LatinVocabulary, p. 103, 109, 114; Exercise 131 (translate only)Interrogative Particle -NEVocabulary, p. 112, 117; Finsih Exercise 132.Review
Comm. LabHow To Avoid Verbal "Fillers" Bring laptops! Work on Speeches in ClassContinue work on rough draftRough Draft Due Apologetics Vid. and DiscussionBegin work on final draftBegin praciticing your speech aloud, in front of a mirror, or video yourself to watch and review Edit speech as needed for clarity and time
Literature & CompositionDashes, Parentheses, Brackets, Ellipses and Slashes (LSH, pp. 404-406 Creative Writing Exercise

Read "The Bit of String" by Maupassant

Read "The Necklace" by Maupassant
Creative Writing Exercise:Re-tell one of the stories in a different place/time Share in class!

Read "A Work of Art" by Chekov

"The Black Cat" by Poe
Discuss Stories  New Vocab. Intro to Pride and Prejudice Weekend reading: CH. I-VI
Historyemergent debatestudyreviewStudyExam 2
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Paradise LostBook III 468 -742; Sort ANI Chart & Begin Working on Outline.Vocabulary QuizBook IV 1-273; Comprehension QuestionsOutline DueParadise Lost Book IV 274-585
ScienceHandouts-Cell Environment/Review for Vocab Quiz on WednesdayDiscuss Cell EnvironmnetMiniLabs-Cell Environment

Week 11 10/15-10/19

11th10/15/201810/16/201810/17/201810/18/201810/19/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipObedience (Humility) + Matthew 5: 1-7
MathSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
Comm. LabOutline Due (Hand in) Video Clip on Key Parts of a Great Speech from TED talk founder

Bring laptops to class to work on speeches
Continue work on your speech from your outlineApologetics Rev: Moral Relativism

Review options for Speech Intro.
Continue to work on your speech, Rough Draft Due 10/24Final Draft Due 10/31
LatinReview for Unit 1 & 2 TestStudy for TestTestVocabulary, p. 103 & 109Introduce verbs
Literature & CompositionDaily Writing Entry Comp. Quiz, Act III Lit.
Discussion Similarities vs. Differences between Witch Trials and McCarthyism
Act IVGrammar concerns from Daily Writing (Rev. Grammar rules covered) Lit. Discussion
Selected readings from J.I. Packer

Essays Due
HistoryRead AnswerQ21Reaction, Revolution, and Romanticism 1815-1850prepare for debate; work on projectConservatism Metternich v Liberalism JS MIll
Rhetoric & TheologyDiscuss Book II, lines 326-635.Read Book II, lines 635 - 949; Begin completing ANI Chart; Book II QuestionsVocabulary QuizBook II 950- Book III line 155ANI Chart DueBook III line 155 - 467
ScienceFinish Lab CellRead and Review Lab TransportCharts & MiniLabRead & Review Lab TransportTest on Transport

Week 10 10/8-10/10

Teacher Training - Student Holiday
See Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google ClassroomSee Google Classroom
Speech & Debate
LatinVocabulary, p. 85 and 87Special AdjectivesExercise 98 & begin studying for test next week.Review Adjectives
Literature & CompositionComplete reading in The Crucible through the end of Act II, be prepared! Essays, due Oct. 19th

Comm. Lab: Write outline, bring laptops
 Quiz, Act II
Lit. Discussion   Themes/Work on Crucible essays
Act. III. pp. 77-94 ("Cheever comes to Danforth.)Vocab. Quiz Lit. DiscussionFinish reading Act III Work on Essay

Complete outline for TED talks!
HistoryStu Preswrok on projectClass and the view of Industrial Middle Classprepare for debate
Debate: American Exceptionalism
Rhetoric & TheologyRead first 8 pages of Paradise Lost, Book IIVocabulary Check; DiscussionFinish draft of paper.PresentationsRead Paradise Lost, Book II, lines 287 - 598.
ScienceScience FairCell Enviroments, p. 70; Vocabulary and section reviewVocabulary and Section questionsExperiment -onion & elodea