Week of 9/26/22 to 9/30/22


11th week 89/26/20229/27/20229/28/20229/29/20229/30/2022Co-Teacher Notes
Classical LiteratureRead/discuss the story of Daedalus and Perdix in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Take commonplacing notes.Read the story of Daedalus and Icarus, - take notes/commonplace on the tragic events that occur and what this myth might have been used to teach ancient people, especially adolescents. Be prepared to share your thoughts in class on Wed.Recap and Discuss the moral of the Daedalus/Icarus myth. https://www.slideshare.net/moherring/daedalus-and-icarus-in-artWrite three paragraphs sharing a modern (at least, more modern than ancient Greece) example reflecting or reimagining the moral of the stories of Phaethon, Icarus or Telos. Maintain quality in your writing and be prepared to turn in for a grade on Friday.Characterization of Daedalus, RR Read Aloud if time
Pre-CalculusConcavity and Points of InflectionSection 4.4: 1-13 oddRational Functions: Asymptotes and Discontinuities Part ISection 4.5: 1-21 oddRational Functions: Asymptotes and Discontinuities Part II Section 4.5: 21-33 odd
RhetoricLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsRe-write summary paragraph of Declaration of Ind.Lecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsRe-write summary paragraph of Declaration of Ind. Due Thursday at 12pmWorkshop summary articles
Church HistoryLecture: The Subapostolic AgeStudy for test.First TestRead: Foxe's Book of Martyrs Capter 2No class
Classical Latin IIReview for TestStudy for TestTest - Ch.10-12No HWExploring the Myth of the Trojan Horse p. 219-222
Classical Latin IVLanguage Fact - Subj. Purpose Clauses & Indirect Commands, p.47-48, Ex. 3 p. 49Essay Outline p.49 - Answer all Qs and include support, Latin must be cited by line numberDiscuss essays & thesis sentences; Begin Reading #4 - De Bello Gallico 1.4-5, p.50-53Complete Reading #4 - De Bello Gallico 1.4-5, p.50-53Translate De Bello Gallico 1.4-5, p. 54ff
Ancient HistoryIn class: discuss chapter 18, The First Environmental Disaster.Read ch. 19-21. Come to class on Wednesday prepared to discuss chapter 19.In class: discuss chapter 19, The Battle for Reunification in Egypt. Take time (30 minutes) to review your notes from the quarter and previous quizzes/scavenger hunt. This will be good preparation as we look toward the 1st quarter exam next week. In class: Discuss chapter 20 and 21, The Mesopotamian Mixing Bowl and the Overthrow of the Xia.**Students, please bring your books to class on Monday. 
Intro to PhysicsChapter 3 section 3.2.5-3.2.6 review of Chapter 3finish Chapter 3 exercises Review for Chapter 3 test. finish Chapter 3 exercises and complete Lab 2 to turn in on Friday. Study for Chapter 3 test on FridayChapter 3 exam Begin readying Chapter 4 Energy

Week of 9/19/22 - 9/23/22


11th week 79/19/20229/20/20229/21/20229/22/20229/23/2022Co-Teacher Notes
Classical LiteratureNiobe Reading, Lecture/Discussion. Write two or more paragraphs defending your position on what Niobe's sin/flaw was, and whether the punishment dealt to her "fit the crime." You can defend your position according to ancient standards/reasoning or by modern standards. Proofread and doublecheck spelling, grammar, puctuation and neatness/legibility. Due Wednesday.Read the various passages related to Theseus: p.240-242, 269-270, 286-287, read surrounding passages to establish context if needed.Lecture/Discussion of myth overview and application to modern literature/media.Write: What was Theseus' "tragic flaw"? Structure your writing well and pay attention to detail.Discussion and Writing prompt re: The Ship of Theseus, RR read aloud.
Pre-CalculusCompleting the Square Review Section 4.2: *66Section 4.2: 57-63, 65Rational Roots Theorem, Zeros, and Multiple Zeros of a FunctionSection 4.3: 1-20 allSum and Properties of Zeros of a Cubic Function Section 4.3: 21-28 all
RhetoricLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsWrite summary paragraph of Declaration of IndepenceLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsWrite summary paragraph of Declaration of Indepence. Due Thursday at 12pmWorkshop summary articles
Church HistoryLecture: The Subapostolic AgeRead Eusebius Book 4Lecture: The Subapostolic AgeRead Eusebius Book 4No Class
Classical Latin IILang Fact III: Possessive Adj.; Txbk Ex. 5 p.205 & Lang Fact IV: Vis; Ex. 7 p.207Wkbk Ex. 6 p.72Go over HW; Discussing the Weather textbook p.209Wkbk Ex. 7 & 8 p.73-75Begin Review of Ch. 10-12 txbk pgs. 211-214
Classical Latin IVComplete translation of De Bello Gallico 1.3 p.44; Comp Qs p.45Ex. 1 p.45 and review for TestReview for TestStudy for TestTest - De Bello Gallico 1.3 and Language Facts 1.1-1.3
Ancient History**Quiz #2 (ch. 9-15). If you finish in class, you may begin reading Tuesday's homework assignment.Read chapters 16-18. Come to class prepared to discuss chapter 16 on Wednesday.In class: discuss chapter 16, The Barbarian Invasions. Map work: Map 17.1, Abram's World.  Due Monday, 9/26.In class: Discuss chapter 17, the first Monotheist. We will discuss Abraham and the intersection of Biblical and secular history.**We will discuss chapter 18 on Monday, 9/26.
Intro to PhysicsReturn chapter 2 test and discuss in class. Begin Chapter 3 Newton's Laws of Motion section 3.1-3.2.1 Correct chapter 2 test for credit. if you haven't already read experiment 2 p 349.In class experiment 2 p 349Read Chapter 3 sections 3.2.2-3.2.6Chapter 3.2.2-3.2.4no homework

Week of 9/12/22 - 9/16/22

11th week 69/12/20229/13/20229/14/20229/15/20229/16/2022Co-Teacher Notes
Classical LiteratureWriting prompt: Definition of narcissism: Do we know anyone w/these characteristics? are they thought to be good or bad? Echo and Narcissus lectureWrite one paragraph: What do you think was Narcissus' fatal flaw? (i.e. the "chink in his armor?) - due on Wednesday.RR N&E Read aloud and comparison to Ovid. Echo game.Read any one alternate version of the myth of Echo and Narcissus. Are the moralistic lessons intact? Do you note any similarities or differences? - come prepared to share your thoughts/discoveries on Wednesday.Narcissus in art writing prompt. derrida video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya46wfeWqJk. lessons of Echo and Narcissus discussion.
Pre-CalculusResidual PlotsSection 3.5: 1, 3, 5Quadratic Function in More DetailSection 4.2: 1, 5, 9, 11-35 oddComplex Numbers Setction 4.2: 37-53 odd
RhetoricLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsWrite summary paragraph of FDR's speechLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsWrite summary paragraph of FDR's speech. Due at 12pm noon.Workshop summary articles
Church HistoryLecture: The Subapostolic AgeNo homeworkLecture: The Subapostolic AgeNo homeworkNo class
Classical Latin IIQuiz - Ch. 11Ch. 12 Reading p.198-199 De Mucio Scaevola (you do not need to write down your translation but you do need to know what the passage is about)Ch. 12 Reading Comp Qs; Lang Fact I: 1st & 2nd Person Personal Pronouns; Vocab to Learn p.201Study Ch. 12 Vocab p. 201; Ex. 1 p. 201 and memorize personal pronounsLang Fact II: 3rd person personal pronouns is, ea, id; Wkbk Ex. 5
Classical Latin IVLang Fact: Gerunds and Gerundives in Purpose Constructions p.46-47; Exercise 2 p.47 and read through De Bello Gallico 1.3 p.40-41Translate De Bello Gallico 1.3 p.40Lang Fact:Subj Purpose Clauses & Indirect Command p.47 & 48; Exercise 3Translate De Bello Gallico 1.3 cont. p.42Translate De Bello Gallico 1.3 cont. p.44
Ancient HistoryIn class activity: Chapter 1-12 scavenger hunt. Please bring your textbook to class!! Read chapters 13-15. Come prepared to discuss chapter 13-14.In class: discuss chapter 13 and 14. We will learn about Sargon and the emerging cities along the Indus River Valley.Map work: Map 14.1, Harappan Cities, due Monday 9/19.In class, discuss chapter 15 which covers the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. We will also review for Monday's quiz covering chapters 9-15.  **Quiz Monday, 9/19! **Co-Teachers, your child will need his/her history book in class on Monday for an activity. 
Intro to PhysicsFinish Chapter 2 and review for test on Wednesday . Get section test 2.2 back for correctionsStudy for Chapter 2 testTest Chapter 2 Turn in review questions for Chapter 2Begin reading Chapter 3 section 3.1Start Chapter 3 section 3.1 Read Chapter 3 section 3.2 and review experiment 2 p349

Week of 9/5/22 - 9/9/22


11th week 59/5/20229/6/20229/7/20229/8/20229/9/2022
Co-Teacher Notes
Classical LiteratureAt Home: Read the story of Narcissus and Echo in Ovid's Metamorphoses, lines 453 - 516Read the story of Narcissus in Ovid's Metamorphoses, lines 517-658Greek mythology intro lesson. RR Video. Define narcissism, discuss ppl/char. who have this trait. do we admire them?Ovid's Metamorphoses - Read any one alternate version of the myth of Echo and Narcissus. Are the moralistic lessons intact? Do you note any similarities or differences? - come prepared to share your thoughts/discoveries on Friday.Narcissus in art writing prompt. Thought sharing. Echo and Narcissus, lecture 
Pre-CalculusSection 3.2 1, 3, 5Regression for Nonlinear DataSection 3.3 1,3, 5Linearizing Data and Logarighmic Graph Paper Section 3.4: 1, 3, 5
No School - Labor Day
Rewrite summary paragraph of Lou Gehrig's speechLecture: Invention: The Discovery of ArgumentsSummary article due by 12pm.Workshop summary articles
Church HistoryRead Eusebius Book 3Lecture: The Subapostolic AgeRead Eusebius Book 3No Class
Classical Latin IIWkbk Ex. 6 p.65 and Verb ID (see email for instructions)Wkbk Ex. 7 p.66; Lang Fact III: EncliticsVocab Practice Crossword PuzzlesReview for Quiz - Ch. 11Study for Quiz - Ch. 11
Classical Latin IVTranslate De Bello Gallico1.2 p.32; Begin to review for Quiz FridayPrepare for Quiz - De Bello Gallico 1.1 & 1.2 (Ex. 1 p.34)Study for Quiz - De Bello Gallico1.1 & 1.2 & Language FactsQuiz De Bello Gallico 1.1 & 1.2 & Language Facts
Ancient HistoryRead chapter 11-12. Come prepared to discuss chapter 11 on Wednesday.**Map 9.1 due. In class, discuss chapter 11. Be prepared to discuss the change in the 3rd and 4th dynasties of building homes for the dead. Review ch. 12 and come to class prepared to discuss. In class, ch. 12 discussion: Sumer's first reformer**Co-teachers: there is no homework for History on Labor Day. Enjoy your holiday weekend! 
Intro to Physicswork on review qestions pertinent to sections 2.1 and 2.2Review test qestion from Section 2.1 test. Review of section 2.2 for test on Friday continue with section 2.3 reveiw for section 2.2 test on Friday. Do review questions pertinent to discussions in chapter 2Chapter 2 section 2.2 test. Finish chapter 2.3finish reading section 2.3 and finish all review questions